Research : Archives

10/28/03 - BETH 

1. Unexplained Nonthermal Fire
2. Power grid failure, US northeast
3. Locusts
4. Cattle Die-off in rural Spain
5. Loss of visible light in the night sky
6. Red tide, fresh water
7. Congo Hail
8. Raining Frogs
9. Multiple Identical Twin Births
10. Unexplained Nonthermal Fire
11. Mystery lights
12. Loss of visible light in the night sky
13. Cow Tripping
14. Gravity-Defying Cat
15. Watch your step.
16. Thruster Flare
17. Ill-timed Fireworks
18. Fallen House
19. Seeing no Red

Ill-timed Fireworks
 Document #97  Status: Debated
 Class: Location: US-South, Year: 2003

Stationary fireworks grab the attention of locals in the rural south during the day of September 11, 2003.

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Recieved a report of possible fireworks during the day of September 11, 2003 in a rural area of north of Ozark National Forest. Due to the date of the occurance, several reports were phoned in as nerves were running high.  The witness reports vary, though most agree that the nature of the light was not reminiscent of a fireworks display and that the light remained stationary throughout the day.